The entire company, any time, any place.
Realising digital offices, thousands of times around the world.
greybee manages the worldwide hardware and software roll-out of the leading shares trading venue in Europe and its global subsidiaries to enable secure mobile and networked working.
The employees work with all relevant data from anywhere in the world, in real time, using 6,500 new mobile devices. The result: collaboration, usability and employee mobility are maximised. The latest standardised software and processes ensure that every employee is networked with their team and has permanent access to all the company’s resources.
Legacy solutions and non-compliant third-party programs are replaced in order to ensure regulatory compliance. At the same time, high-performance, secure cloud services ensure the necessary stability of the overall solution. Suddenly, all the information is flowing into every corner of the earth, increasing the company’s efficiency and agility.
The project in detail.
Standardising the IT infrastructure and its worldwide roll-out.
The challenges
- Worldwide roll-out of new hardware and software
- Highly complex IT infrastructure
- Numerous departments involved
The solutions
- Coordinating and managing decentralised teams
- Realising high-performance, secure cloud services
- Standardisation of all applications and processes
- Replacement of legacy solutions and non-compliant third-party programs
The roles
- Project managers
- Requirement managers
- Test managers